Sans post

*Edited for less emo!* Life’s had its up and downs the past week, but my blog is not the place for that ^_^

Anyways, I haven’t been in a writing mood lately (and forced writing ends up being sucky and lame!), but as soon as I’m up to writing again (hopefully in a day or so!) I have like 3 or 4 stories to share! So they won’t be quite current, but still ^_^

Thanks for your patience!!

~ by Vivitri (Vivian) on January 3, 2010.

4 Responses to “Sans post”

  1. Hah, who complains about a blog? If you don’t listen, are they going to bring it up with The Manager Of The Internets and try to get their miceclicks refunded? O_o! Sounds pretty trollish to me.

    If it helps any, I enjoy your personal posts greater than or equal to your (admittedly still captivating) recollections of recent lascivious liaisons (alliteration ftw).

    Or put another way: I like you because you’re cute and intelligent, not just because you have a pussy; every female I’ve ever known had one or more of those. ^_-. You are different than most in the depth of your character and the fire in your heart — if others don’t see that, fuck ’em!

    • Awww, thanks! Hehe, I was just being whiny and emo last night. Even I lose my temper, I guess! ^_^ Alcohol may have been a factor >.>

      But that’s really sweet of you to say ^_^ *huggles you and pets your wings!* Hehe. And I’m glad you to enjoy the stuff I write. Also, yay for alligatorations!

  2. Alligatorations sounds like a lawyer in crocodile-skin boots. O_o!

  3. edited for less emo??? what’s going on now?

    please continue being awesome.

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