Love tetrahedron

Silly Vivi, lusting after 3 people at once! I should have more restraint.

First, there’s Shannon, of course. She’s adorable, kittenish, and deliciously corruptable. She spent last night in my bed again, wearing nothing but these adorable frilly pink panties. They’d probably look silly on anyone else, but they fit her innocent cuteness perfectly ^_^ Even better, I have hope again that she might be bisexual, but doesn’t know it or is afraid to admit it. I used to think that when she would get pokey from my petting, it was from goosebumps, but lately I’ve been noticing how warm she gets, and how much more affectionate she’s been. Still, it could just be that she sees me as an older sister and an outlet for her emotions, and an escape from her stiff and sheltered life. It’s so hard to tell! But I can’t just ask her, because I’m not sure if she knows, either.

Next on my list of people I’m lusting after are these yummy cooki- wait, I mean Daryl! His cock is so yummy ^_^ It’s uncut, and I love that <3 Jason’s cock is good, too, but it’s a different experience to suck. Jason’s is super stiff everywhere, and kinda curves a bit, so it’s almost like sucking a toy! Everything is smooth and hard. Daryl’s is much softer, though, and he’s bigger around, but prolly the same length. Either way, I’m just a cockwhore, and I love it ^_^

But recently I’ve been thinking about Daryl in a different way! He’s really really nice, and a gentleman, and all that! He’s also older than me (29 I think now? and I’m 23) and so he has that quieter, mature personality, which I really like. He and I are probably the tamest and quietest among our friends. Maybe Jessica, too, but she’s always showing off her ginormous boobies and wearing provocative outfits, so that kind of negates her demure personality.

Basically, Daryl would make a great husband, and a great father. In fact, he is a great father: ay, there’s the rub. For in that sleep of death what dreams may come. That was a pretty movie! And Robin Williams didn’t act weird, if I remember right. Kind of like how Jim Carrey actually acted normal in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and I really liked that too ^_^ I wish they’d make more of those movies, and less of their loud-n-wacky movies.

Oh, but Daryl! Yes, he has a son, and is divorced. Although, I think he never really got married, so I’m not sure it’s really a divorce. His son is 12 or 13 so he must have been pretty young when he had him. And his baby-momma (I just wanted to use that word) is completely out of the picture, which is good ’cause apparently she was kinda a bitch. So, Daryl’s son is raised solely by Daryl, and thus is a wonderful, smart, polite kid who I’d totally love living with. Yes, I know I’m getting ahead of myself, but the question of stepmotherness would have to be addressed eventually!

Daryl’s been my friend for years, though, so that might make it awkward. Also, the age difference isn’t too big of a deal, but the fact that he has a son and everything, I just don’t know if that would work out as easily as I would want it to. Especially considering that I’ve never dated anyone before ^_^

The third potential target is Daniel! Yep, I’m back to teasing him ^_^ He’s my personal assistant now, and I have him all to myself, and often times alone in my office, so how could I not tease him here and there? I haven’t done anything especially sexy, yet. Just leaning over a lot, wearing tight skirts, that sort of thing.

The other day, I did unbutton my shirt a bit and asked him to look at some papers with me. I held a clipboard up under my boobs, so it was painfully obvious =P My shirt poofed out a little when I did that, too, so I’m pretty sure he got a clear look at my bra and everything. At the very least, he got to see plenty of cleavage. He has a lot of self-control, but I caught him taking a few long glances <3

I’ve gone out for drinks with him a couple of times, after work, and he’s really nice! He’s the same age as me, and really cute, and really easy to talk to. Really!

With Daniel, the complication is that I’m essentially his boss, and work really closely with him, and that might make it weird. I don’t feel as strongly about him as I do towards Shannon and Daryl, too… but maybe that’s a good thing, because that might mean it’s not just penis-lust or something. Maybe I should just stick with teasing him… it could be a little game between us, where I keep going farther and farther until he can’t stand it anymore and pushes me onto the desk and holds me down and rapes me <3

~ by Vivitri (Vivian) on January 9, 2010.

8 Responses to “Love tetrahedron”

  1. You are waaaay too cute.

  2. epic love tetrahedron… lol

    you’re quite adorable with your crushes haha.. i hope you don’t get too caught up in the possible drama. or get drama at all… because that would suck, and i like my vivi all perky and horny =P

    • My nipples are perky and horny :3

      Maybe I’ll get caught up in a 4-some instead! I’ll cuddle with Shannon, licking her and stroking her everywhere, while Daryl and Daniel take turns with me, and maybe even spitroasting me! =D The sexy kind of spitroasting, not the cannibal kind.

      I just got myself aroused from imagining it…

  3. You and your drama. :P

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